Friday, April 17, 2009

After I saw the amazing documentary "March of The Penguins" several years ago, I

thought that rearing young in such a harsh, cold environment like the Antarctic was an impossibility.

This seemingly impossible birth and nuturing of each pair's single chick couldn't

be possible without the single-minded dedication of the parents.

My submission for Illustration Friday and the word



MrBibleHead said...

Yes you are right. Very inspiring, touching and a great piece of art. Nice work!

Diane said...

well, this couldn't be more beautifully done. the idea is perfect.

Valerie Lorimer said...

This is lovely, Ellen! Really nice job.


beautiful work!

studio lolo said...

That was an amazing film that I'll never forget. Walking 70 miles to mate in the hopes of one viable egg. I don't think so!

Lovely watercolors.